P6X Pico Projector, 1,100 lm, 1280 x 800 Pixels

The AAXA P6X combines the latest Osram LEDs, Texas Instrument's DLP imager technology, and a massive 54-watt lithium ion battery to produce a projector capable of delivering 1,000 LED lumens on battery power. The AAXA P6X can deliver amazing 160" images (in dark areas) on battery power with a slight brightness bump when plugged in (1,100 lumens). To achieve this level of power efficiency the P6X LED Projector moves away from XPR technology that requires power-hungry actuators and FPGAs and inefficient quad-LED pumping and instead focuses on system power efficiency. The end result is a high definition (HD WXGA) projector that delivers 1,000 LED lumens in battery mode and four hours of battery life in eco mode. The P6X is a modern business projector that fits in your backpack, charges your smart device, and delivers conference capable projection on just battery power. Shorten meeting times without fumbling for cords or cables—project a presentation immediately without needing to plug in.
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List Price:
$384.13 / Each
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$384.13 / Each
Minority Owned Supplier No Assembly Required Shippable Product
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The AAXA P6X combines the latest Osram LEDs, Texas Instrument's DLP imager technology, and a massive 54-watt lithium ion battery to produce a projector capable of delivering 1,000 LED lumens on battery power. The AAXA P6X can deliver amazing 160" images (in dark areas) on battery power with a slight brightness bump when plugged in (1,100 lumens). To achieve this level of power efficiency the P6X LED Projector moves away from XPR technology that requires power-hungry actuators and FPGAs and inefficient quad-LED pumping and instead focuses on system power efficiency. The end result is a high definition (HD WXGA) projector that delivers 1,000 LED lumens in battery mode and four hours of battery life in eco mode. The P6X is a modern business projector that fits in your backpack, charges your smart device, and delivers conference capable projection on just battery power. Shorten meeting times without fumbling for cords or cables—project a presentation immediately without needing to plug in.
Business Essentials Assortment
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